Practical and Emotional Breastfeeding Support and Education for Families
Lactation Consultations
Going Back to Work
Gentle Weaning
Exclusive Pumping
Prepare for breastfeeding with private instruction in office. Dr. Grainger will help alleviate your concerns and give you the confidence and knowledge to enjoy breastfeeding your baby.
We understand mothers need a unique care plan that suits their own lifestyles, and help them overcome any breastfeeding challenge.
Our 90-minute new baby consultation offers encouragement and direction to overcome breastfeeding challenges and help you reach your personal goals for breastfeeding your baby.
Complete History of Mother & Baby
Pre- & Post Feeding Infant Weight
Observation of Breastfeeding Session
Pumping Instruction
Breastmilk Storage Information
A Written Care Plan to Address Your Situation
Breast milk is nutritionally superior to any other substitutes.
Other milk substitutes increase the risk of the baby developing allergies, ear infections, diabetes, obesity, and other serious illnesses.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months.
Not breastfeeding increases the mother's risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial cancer.
DHA present in breast milk is a vital nutrient for growth, development, and maintenance of brain tissue.
Breast milk is easy to digest and absorb, resulting in less abdominal distress.
Resources & Links
These are our helpful links that can guide you to find the right answers about breastfeeding and medicine, Florida statutes and legislation, your rights, and other questions that you may have.
Are you ready to get started? Send us a message and we'll set up a time to come in and meet with Dr. Grainger
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